
Out of diesel

IF THE TANK runs out of diesel, it is a bit of work to get started again.

  1. Fill the tank with diesel.
  2. Open the bleed screw on the diesel filter (the one facing the torpedo wall) and pump until diesel comes out without air bubbles. (Transparent hose into a small container.)
  3. Tighten the bleed screw.
  4. Turn on the ignition.
  5. Pump until there is resistance.
  6. Turn off the ignition.
  7. Rinse away any spillage.
  8. Run the starter motor for 15-20 sec. without glowing first, while keeping the gas pedal almost all the way down.
  9. Run the starter motor for 5-10 seconds. without glowing first, and without holding the gas pedal down.
  10. Wait half a minute and start the engine in the normal way. (The gear lever in neutral, glow, engage with the clutch and then start without touching the gas pedal.)

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