Installing extra brake light
It is possible to attach the brake light right onto the rear window, but it is better to attach it to the plastic cover.
- Take out the left taillight (two screws and take it out very carefully).
- Remove the cover on the left D-post: Take out the lamp (tilt it out on the left side with a flat head screw driver)
and unscrew the bolt inside, take off the gas damper (insert a broomstick as a support under the tailgate),
two plastic clips (insert a long screw driver and bend out).
- Release the side cover at the rear (two screws).
- Glue the brake lamp onto the plastic cover at the top, close to the rubber seal.
- Remove the plastic cover (two screws + four plastic clips).
- Drill holes from the inside of the plastic cover and into the feet of the brake lamp and put in screws.
- Cut a notch in the edge of the plastic cover (or drill a hole), put duct tape on the wire and put it through the notch.
- Connect the negative lead to ground (rear wiper).
- Pull the plus wire down to the left taillight: First through the plastic sleeve (use a thin string to pull it with),
then fasten with tape on the D-bar, then through a hole (put a plastic sleeve on the wire here)
and into the room where the taillight is located.
- Connect the plus wire to the brake light circuit (strip both wires, twist tightly, solder,
and put on plenty of insulation tape).
- Mount both plastic covers, side cover and left taillight.