

Opening/closing of air to the passenger compartment does not work.

This is below the expansion tank.

In front of the air intake (before the ventilation fan) there is a flap that opens and closes for the air to the passenger compartment. It is driven by a small motor A. If this does not work, it is usually a bad connection or defective motor. If you do not get enough air into the compartment, it may be that the flap is partially closed. Check by removing the rubber gasket and the air intake grille. Then slip your hand in and feel the position of the flap (it has a soft surface) is in.

To access the engine, remove the expansion tank. Clean contact B. If this does not help, replace the motor. It is fastened with three small screws C. When you pry it out you need to use some force. The cord is attached under a small hoop, but it is only to tug it loose. When installing you need to create a shield over the contact, so coolant can not drain into it. And also fill it with acid-free grease.

If you cannot acquire a new motor, lock the flap in the open position: Get the motor loose and turn the teeth of the flap to the left as far as they go (so the flap is pointing straight down) and tighten the motor. Pull off the connector.

Eira Bad contact.

The flap.


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