... Yes, there are people who have been crushed to death under their Citroën ...
The warning triangle warns you to do this work yourself, if you do not feel 100% competent.
If you do get others to do it, you must not only think so, but be sure that they can perform the work in a fully satisfactory manner.
This applies to both workshops and private individuals.
When you are working under the car
secure with four safety stands
(The car MAY sag down very fast)
AND wear safety glasses!
Also make sure that the vehicle is on flat ground.
The drawing is borrowed from the Citroën CX' service manual
Safety stand
The CX is very forward heavy, because the engine is placed very far forwards in the front.
If you place 4 safety stands under the jack mounts, the car can tip forward and land on it's nose!
This applies particularly to the Berline with 2.5 liter engine. The safety stands must be placed closer to the front.
And especially when using a garage lift the front jacking mounts must NEVER be used.
Always put something soft between the safety stand and the car. F.ex. a wooden block.
If you shall put the rear wheels on ramps,
the ramps must be secured so that they can not slip when you are reversing onto them. Use f.ex. two boards against a wall.
If you shall put the front wheels on ramps, it normally works if the ramps are loose.
Do not rely on the ramps: They can collapse. Always also use two safety stands (extra high) to be safe.
When you leave the car, then take care that there are no things left
that can cause injury to children or animals. Pull the plugs, remove the bits from the
drilling machines, remove blades from the electric saws, hide the grinder etc.
Avoid injury to your hands, wear gloves. For coarse work: Regular work gloves.
For fine work: Fitter gloves or disposable vinyl gloves (in winter, thin finger gloves with vinyl gloves on the outside).
If you do not want to use gloves, you should lubricate your hands well with a rich cream or cooking
oil before you start work, then oil and impurities will not sit so tight.
Make sure you do not get "welding blindness".
Also, watch out for other people and animals nearby: Put up a screen between them and the welding work.
Be careful not to burn yourself: Welding work is dangerous hot long after you've finished.
Use heavy gloves, safety glasses and hearing protection.
When you put down your angle grinder, always put it with the disc pointing upwards.
Fire hazard
Notice where the sparks falls.