

Caliper front

Caliper Half-caliper Brake hose
→ 7/78 → 80 → 7/78
78 → 80 80 → 7/78 →
80 →    

To get loose a piston that is stuck

  1. Remove the brake pads.
  2. Dismount the half caliper.
  3. Dismount the brake disc.
  4. Make a drawing of the pistons position on a thin paper or similar.
  5. Cut a hole (a bit bigger than the diameter of the piston) in a thick wood plate.
  6. Glue the plate together with a thin plywood plate. The plate now made should be so thick that it barely fits into the caliper.
  7. Put the plate into the caliper with the hole facing the stuck piston.
  8. Mount the half caliper and bleed the brakes.
  9. Step hard on the brake pedal (engine running). The piston will now hopefully pop out.
  10. Dismount the half caliper and remove the plate.
  11. Clean and take out the two piston seals. After you have got the tracks for these spotlessly clean, you mount new ones.
  12. Clean and grease the piston with a little LHM, clean it with a paper towel and put it back in.
  13. Mount the brake pad (must be cleaned very well!), the half caliper and the brake pads.
  14. Bleed the brakes.

If you would like to do the job extra well, you can make a "brake disc" out of wood. Make two deep holes meant for the pistons on one side as shown in the drawing. Then you can simply insert the disc so that you have a hole facing the piston which is stuck.

Replacing the brake pipe on the caliper

• The new brake pipe you put on must be treated so it will last for many years. You can for instance put on a layer of Owatrol and 2-3 layers of lacquer made for high temperatures. Then polish and lacquer sealer.
Do also remember to give the brake pipe on the other caliper the same treatment.

Brake pipe


  1. Clean well.
  2. Remove the screws D and E.
  3. Unscrew F.
  4. Unscrew C.
  5. Unscrew B if there is no bracket on the new pipe.


  1. Mount the brake pipe on C (remember copper washer). NB! See to that the flexible brake pipe C is connected to don't get twisted!!! (Can be difficult.) It must hang in a nice bow after the brake pipe is mounted.
  2. Mount F (see to that there are copper washers on both sides).
  3. Mount D and E (put a little copper paste on the threads).
  4. Bleed the brakes.

Brake pipe

C can be terribly stuck. (It can be smart to fasten A in a wise.) Be careful so you don't damage the new brake pipe, if you take it from another car.

• It would be best to put on new copper washers. If you are using the old ones, they have to be glowed before mounting. (Warm them till they get white glowing, and then put them in cold water.)

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