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H e l g e a b o u t t h i s a n d t h a t . . .
December 10, 2015
Nice to get new tires with extra many spikes.
October 9, 2015
If you are out walking in the dark, and comes close to a road sign, the drivers won't see you, no matter how much reflexes you have. They see only the sign.
Why do road signs have to have such a HORRIBLE strong reflex?
June 9, 2015
The tailgate is nice to use as an umbrella in heavy rain. And you don't need to collapse
the feet on the tripod when it shall be put in the trunk again.
February 28, 2015
Annual fee for cars 2015
Then came yet again thumping two requirements for the payment of annual fees: 3060 NOK for the C6 and 435 NOK
for the CX (against 3490 NOK last year, when it didn't have a "retired discount").
But what is this annual fee? Some call it road tax, but it's not, as we have to pay the same amount
whether we drive 0 or 30.000 km a year (road tax we pay through taxes on fuel). Others call it luxury tax, but it is not
luxury to have a car most places in Norway. No, this annual fee, it is simply robbery in broad daylight!
Every spring, the state says: Give me your money, otherwise ...!
Have you incidentally noticed that the name on the invoice is written in BLOCK LETTERS, while the name of the
monetary receiver is written the normal way? The same applies for the license fee to the Norwegian Broadcasting.
But do you write your name in capital letters? Perhaps these wrongful invoices are sent to a fictitious person with a similar name to yours ...
February 2, 2015
We have a lot of snow (2.3 meters where I live) so it's probably tempting to use the road, also for the four-legged.
. . . m o s t l y a b o u t c a r s a n d d r i v i n g , b u t n o t a l w a y s . . .